Killing weeds

Focus on the home- Money-saving do-it yourself projects; ways to get rid of weeds and six things you should do when moving into a house has released some timely articles with good ideas and tips in time for summer projects around the house:

If you do a minor bathroom facelift (5 ft x 7 ft) on your own it will cost you around $6,900…however, if you hire someone it can be around $16,500. Read about this and four other do it yourself projects.

Best money-saving do-it-yourself projects 

Did you know that vinegar can be used to kill the weeds in your yard? Here are seven natural remedies to get rid of weeds.

Seven killer ways to get rid of weeds 

Moving into a new house? Here are six things you should do once you get the keys.

Six things everyone should do when moving into a new house

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